31 July 2012

Dashboard for getting better at photography

A shot taken in my car, and i named it dashboard. I loved the color combination in the dashboard, as the sun goes down in the evening. the contrasting greens and reds, with my hands-free and sunglasses in front, made for an interesting shot.
Dashboards are such an important piece, when it comes to driving anything, be it a project, vehicle or business. Dashboards let you get a view of the key metrics which help you make decisions.They also help you gauge in what direction are you heading in.
The same applies to the photographer inside you. Keep clicking photos, and also always keep a track of your favorite photos. Always keep yourself involved with local communities, and upcoming events. Also, keep clicking and get into a habit. Click different perspectives. You would be surprised, by the outcomes at times. I keep some of my favorite pictures bookmarked and tagged with a keyword which helps me reach them quickly. Keep looking at other photographers work. follow them. if you find something tricky, ask questions to understand how a certain shot was taken.
Keeping your eyes open, being curious and consistent click would be key to a photographer to create his own niche.

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