08 September 2014

Evening shots after heavy rains- Alpharetta

It rained heavily this afternoon. The temperature dropped a bit, and the evening sky turned beautifully colorful. I was just finishing something in the kitchen, when i could see some glow in the sky, lightening up the dark and wet streets. I came to the balcony, and magical sky colors were visible.
I didnt have an exciting vantage point, but whatever i had, didnt want to miss the opportunity. Took these photos, by metering on the sky and focusing on the trees in the dark shadows...
No post processing involved, except a bit of sharpening off my Nexus 7 device. Don't have access to a laptop right now.
How do you like it? did you capture anything this evening?

07 September 2014

Park Bridge parkway: A morning Stroll

After many months, may be close to an year, i took my camera along with me on the morning walk.
my Canon 400d, and some cool lenses have just been travelling with me around, but not really getting to do much. due to this, i have also been thinking of selling my 70-200 F4 L lens which is in awesome shape. But its just a shame, seeing such wonderful piece of glass just sitting lone.
Anyway, Today was the day when the camera came out. the weather is little warm, but the morning was nice. Took couple of shots with the camera. I took my 50mm 1.8 lens along for this trip...happy with the outcome.  the green strip near the house was beautiful.
What do you think?
Also, do you know about any interesting places around Alpharetta for photography. I am very interested in nature, woods or any type of farm/ranch or  any fairs etc. Do drop me a word...

01 September 2014

Enchanting Lightening

its always debatable, if the objects are beautiful, or the lightening makes them so, or the eye of the person who spots them. Nature has created all of these, and i believe each of these play their own role.
While on a walk this evening, sighted this beautiful spot with amazing light setup among few trees, and it looked amazing. What do you think?