23 June 2018

Visiting the Arlington cemetery, Washington DC

Arlington cemetery, washington dc, saurabh mittal

I have been to the Washington DC metro area a multiple number of times. its all about the govt building and amazing structures, excellent and also the best in the world museums which are an absolute delight.

However, there has been one place which I have missed visiting all the times. This is Arlington cemetery also based out there. It is supposed to be the biggest cemetery and also gets the honor of national cemetery. I have also watched the presidents pay their homage at this place before taking oaths and during big events like 4th of july.

This trip towards the end of the day, We made sure we paid a visit here. We came out both a little mellow, sad and as well as nourished with the feeling of patriotism. A solider is a solider. be it in india, or USA or any other country. He lives and dies by his discipline, his order and his zeal to fight for his country.

However, it is such a humbling experience when you see so many graves in front of you. I have seen the cemetery in San Francisco, but haven't visited it yet. Its a very different feeling to walk the roads here, and observe the size of this place.

We then went to observe the change of guard ceremony at the tomb of the unknown soldier. It's just fantastic to watch. Silence does have a language and such places reemphasize that.


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