30 April 2020

5 tips to begin your journey towards building your brand on linkedin

I have been writing articles on LinkedIn for a few years now. The service is excellent. The editor they offer works like a charm and LinkedIn has its own ecosystem of users to which you are able to address effectively. Linkedin also has a marketing tool in its ecosystem that liked "Trending" by categories that continues to curate and recommend posts.

However, after writing on LinkedIn for these years, I can clearly see some of the pros and cons of writing on LinkedIn vs writing on your personal blog or website or other suitable mediums.
These days people have started to use LinkedIn more like Facebook where you even see people posting personal photos, their certificates, etc to capture attention. Its become like a personal networking site for professional circuit and a lot of people don't like it and are turned off by it, including me.

better ways to inside sales effort on linkedin

Even though I run sales for an IT services company, I get approached on LinkedIn by dozens of companies every week. The same continues on my professional emails.
Some are selling me their sales improvement programs (very few), some of them are trying to hire me for a software engineering position in Australia, some are inviting me to their HR podcast and some of them are trying to see if I will be interested in taking a PHP training course which can quickly teach me some intricate details of the language.

As you can tell, the majority of these outreaches are irrelevant to me.

Magical holiday lights of Naperville, Illinois

As we all deal with the Covid lockdown, I sift through some of my archive photos on my computer. This is when I bump across the winter of 2018, and where we had an amazing time going through the neighborhood of Naperville during the winter times. 
This was one of the best times as a family, where we would pack up in the car every night, and go around covering at least 5-6 six houses lit with Christmas decorations in the area. 
It was astonishing to see the elaborate decorations which are put in place by the residents.